I don't have a whole lot to say but in an effort to not let this blog thang slide into oblivion I'm posting for the fuck of it.
I'm at work today and it's rather slow. There's really no good reason to be here today but I'm not gonna bitch because it's good pay without much stress, so I'll look on the bright side.
I've been feeling a low level of anxiety recently. I think it's several things combined but I think the main issue is that Christmas is drawing ever nearer. I'm sort of looking forward to it, primarily because of the girls, but I also just want to get it over with too. Know what I mean?
In addition to mundane seasonal anxiety there are some other things as well. I have had no energy at all in the last couple of months and could lie down and sleep at almost any given moment, which is totally abnormal for me as I usually can't get to sleep. Well, I went in for my bi-annual visit with the endocrinologist this past week and the test results came back showing that I have almost no testosterone, even though I've been taking the maximum dosage of my medicine. Brilliant. I also have gained a whopping 44 pounds since my visit last year. Charming. We have zilch as far as money goes and bills out the wazoo! No wonder I just want to get Christmas over with.
Besides the above stuff, there have been a lot of changes and back-and-forth type things going on. After fucking with it for a couple of months we finally let the house in the country thing go. It was just too big of a headache and not worth the stress. The mortgage guy kept promising us the moon but then nothing seemed to be happening. We were at the point where we were about to have to put all this money into the property to bring it up to code for an FHA loan and decided to just back out while we could.
We were supposed to be refinancing our current home too so that the payments would come down but I don't know what's happened to that. I called the mortgage guy on Thursday, after not having heard from him in a couple of weeks, and he started telling me some bullshit about a mix-up with a credit report that sounded like a lie to cover his goofing off too me, so I just hung up on him. I'll find someone else if I want to refinance the house instead of dicking around.
There's been good stuff going on but it's all cloaked in this veil of chaos. I mean, it's like a giant hassle to get shit done.
We ~had~ to get pictures of the girls taken since it's our first Christmas together but Steven blew off the originally scheduled appointment. If I'd done that he would never let me live it down. (I hate that double-standard!) Well, I rescheduled and it seemed like it would work out better because I made an appointment for a weekday afternoon on my day off. We got there and had to dress the girls in the parking lot because we didn't want them to mess up their dresses that Grandma had bought them just for the occasion. However, when we got inside to the photo place (at a god-forsaken Wal-mart) there was a woman with her kid in front of us. They took photo after photo after photo while we waited and waited. I told Steven that I bet the woman didn't even buy half the pictures taken and, sure enough, I was right. When it came time to pick and pay she just wanted the value pack or whatever. That's the thing about those discount store pictures. They lure you in with a mega-cheap deal but then take all these other pics knowing most people are going to upgrade their package. That bitch didn’t though! She just wasted our time. It was almost an hour after our scheduled appointment time before we got the girls in front of the camera.
Alize had physical therapy the morning of the Christmas photos and that put her in a sour mood. She wasn't crying or anything but she just wasn't that happy. (She loves speech therapy but hates physical therapy with a passion.) Usually she's very photogenic and it's Emily that's blank but it was reversed that day. We finally, after several attempts, coaxed a half-smile out of Alize but she was looking kind of off or down when the pic was taken. I'd rather her be looking away smiling though than looking at the camera and not smiling.
After the photos we ate lunch and then we went to Dallas to see a poodle at a rescue organization. It turned out that it was just at these people's house and they must have bred dogs because they had 56 fucking poodles at their house!!! Now we didn't see all these dogs. We went to the front door and were greeted from within by an enormous cacophony of barking but only one poodle came to the window by the door to check us out. I could see stacks of dog kennels along the wall inside but I couldn't tell if there were dogs in them or not. There were certainly some dogs inside the house somewhere though. I have never heard so many dogs barking at once, even at a pound!!
The woman that ran the rescue was out but her husband helped us. He came out through the garage and met us on the porch because it was too much trouble to go to the door, let alone have people inside. (Can you imagine living like that?) They only had one rescue dog at the time, a little miniature they were calling Lionel. (All I could think of was the son on the Jeffersons.) He brought the dog out and we all played in the yard together. We had brought the girls and Holly with us and everyone seemed to be getting along great, so naturally we took the dog.
Holly is the reason why we decided to get yet another pooch. She found herself for the first time without any other canine companions after Petey died and she seemed to be pretty blue about it. We gave her extra attention trying to make up for her solitude but it was just making her spoiled. She started sneaking food off the table and running outside every time the door was opened.
The new dog seems like a gem so far! He’s great. We’ve named him Jack, after first considering the names Jolly and Bam-Bam. Jack’s about the same size as Holly but doesn’t weigh as much. He is just beautiful too. His fur is pure white and his shape is superb. We don’t know how old he is and the guess is pretty broad (for a dog). The paperwork estimated between seven to eleven months. He was found roaming the streets in Amarillo and brought to the rescue by a college student over the Thanksgiving holidays, I believe. He is so pretty that I would expect him to be pedigreed but he must not have been because his tail wasn’t bobbed, although Steven says that’s becoming more and more the trend because any sort of clipping of tails or ears is considered inhumane.
The rescue group had his tail clipped when they had him neutered though. It’s probably easier to get poodles adopted out if their tails are bobbed because they just look weird otherwise, since that’s the way we’re used to seeing them. The rescue group also has microchips put in all the dogs, so if they ever get lost it’s more likely they’ll be safely returned. The adoption fee was a lot higher than it is at most shelters and rescue organizations but most don’t put a microchip in the damn dog either. It cost us $200 to get him. That’s a lot cheaper than buying a pedigreed dog though! And he promises to be a fantastic pet.
Though we bought him for Holly I think Steven is the one getting the most benefit from the new guy. He’s really had a hole in his heart since Pebbles died and I’m hoping that Jack can help with that. He’s a very loving dog and loves to be held. He fell asleep in Steven’s arms on the way home and slept with us the first night no questions asked like he’s belonged there his whole life.
As if we don’t have enough animals in the house Steven “borrowed” this big green parrot from Jeannette. I don’t know what kind it is but she’s got it and a grey one too. She keeps them penned up in cages in her laundry room and Steven has been having a fit for the longest time to let the bird stay with us. When I got home yesterday he had brought the bird home, cage and all. I do think the bird is happier at our place than it was before. We have it out in the living room in front of a window and there’s lots of activity for it to trip on. Whenever I’ve been over to Jeannette’s before the bird would always be yelling stuff loudly and now I think that was a ploy for attention since it was stuck in a tiny windowless room and could never see what was going on. It talks and squawks at our place but its demeanor seems more relaxed, though that may just be my imagination.
Sophie is digging it and spends much of her time on top of the new bird’s cage. We can’t let it out though because if it attacked anybody it could really hurt them. It could easily bite a finger off so I won’t take any chances with the babies. Hell, Sophie’s bad enough. She always bites Emily’s fingers when she’s on my shoulder and I pick up Emily and she bit the shit out of Alize’s arm last week. (I don’t know what the story was with that because I wasn’t home but now Alize doesn’t trust the bird and is very wary of it when I’m holding her and Sophie flies onto my shoulder.)
Today we took the girls to a foster family event that was themed as Breakfast With Santa. They served pancakes, eggs, sausage, fruit, muffins and juice. However, they had it at 10 in the morning! That’s not breakfast. That’s brunch. I didn’t eat but Steven said the food was kind of shitty. However, they had a very authentic looking Santa with a real beard that all the kids got to go across a stage and sit with momentarily. The kids got stockings stuffed with age-appropriate gifts and then after visiting with Santa we were led into a room with various toys and gifts and each kid got to pick one thing. The gifts were very nice too. I’d kind of expect the gifts to be half-assed since it was a charitable event but it was all name brand stuff and not cheap either. I’d say most of the toys were worth at least $10 and some stuff was probably more like $25. Then after leaving the toy room all the kids got a really adorable stuffed teddy bear.
They took Polaroids of all the kids with Santa. I wish now I’d given the woman my own digital camera and had her use that instead. I’ll scan the Polaroid but a digital pic would have been much better. I took plenty of video though so that’ll work.
Well, for not much going on I sure did wind up writing a lot. It’s not the scintillating humor I’d like to be recording but whatever. It’s real, man. Mighty real. It just ain’t gonna score me a book deal anytime soon, I’m sure.
Toodles for now from the shining buckle of the bible belt.
(After the election I saw cartoons referring to all the red states combined as Jesusland. That sounds like a theme park to me. If so, I want off the mother fucking ride pronto!!! Can I get a refund?)
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