Monday, January 10, 2005

Speak Now Or Forever Hold Our Peace?

Ugh. More bad news, politically speaking. The Supreme Court announced that it ~will not~ hear the case about gays being banned from adopting children in Florida. That really depresses me. I am so disillusioned with this country. I used to think that despite all our problems America was the greatest nation on earth and that everything would eventually work out alright. Now I don’t know if I’m just getting older and more cynical or if this country really is going right down the toilet without any hope. I can’t believe how repressed some citizens are in this supposed “free land.” What a crock of shit.

Wal-mart and Mississippi public libraries are banning that Daily Show book because it has a joke picture of the Supreme Court justices nude in it. The nation recoils in horror because a nipple is flashed during the Super Bowl. Fox News bans a commercial because it features a glimpse of Mickey Rooney’s ancient ass. Hell, Fox News exists! Yet despite all these puritanical rantings it’s totally ok for shows like Fear Factor to show narcissistic idiots downing blenders of puréed rats and swallowing raw yak dicks.

Do we stay and fight or do we flee in terror? (Canada is looking better and better.)

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